NC Alt Fuels

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Friday, July 10, 2009

U.S. EPA's Region 4 Awards More than $1.9 Million in Recovery Funding to the ALA of the Upper Midwest to Reduce Diesel Emissions and Create Jobs


EPA News Release, July 10, 2009
In a move that stands to create jobs, boost local economies, reduce diesel emissions and protect human health and the environment for people of the Southeast, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded $1,921,768 to the American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest to assist trucking companies in replacing older, more polluting vehicles and installing idle-reducing battery-powered air conditioners. This clean diesel project will create jobs while protecting the Southeast's air quality.
This project will reduce diesel emissions from approximately 180 vehicles in the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee by replacing older trucks with vehicles using cleaner diesel technologies and installing battery-powered air conditioners in existing trucks to reduce engine idling. It is estimated that the project will result in emission reductions of 864.9 tons of nitrogen oxides, 19.7 tons of particulate matter, 2.3 tons of hydrocarbons and 9.5 tons of carbon monoxide.

Details on EPA's implementation of ARRA in Region 4


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